Basic training in industry rules for partial repairs

This training is aimed at all plumbing companies and construction contractors, but also at property owners/managers, inspectors, insurance administrators, designers, etc.

During the training, you will gain knowledge of current industry regulations for approved parts in all types of pipe systems and in all waterproofing systems. As the rules form the basis for professional execution, anyone who carries out any type of sharing may be affected by the regulations in the long run. The insurance companies have tightened the requirements regarding partial repairs, so now you and your colleagues have the opportunity to learn more about the industry rules and sharing.

Parts of the content:
  • The StopTearing concept – purpose and organization
  • Industry rules – Apportionment with measurability – professionalism!
  • Requirements and examples of solutions
  • Subdivision sealing layer
  • Subdivision pipelines & floor wells
  • During the morning, we go through the background, purpose, application and the actual requirements in the industry regulations.
  • The training is held at a cost price of SEK 550/person, excluding VAT.
  • The price includes breakfast.
  • Training duration: 08.00 – 11.30.
  • The number of places per event is limited, so it is first come, first served.
  • We train construction industry Sweden to Stop Tearing Down!

Our courses are held in Swedish, but send us your request for interest and we can plan for an English course as well.